CUG Mast Solutions
CUG Mast Solutions          
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Pick 'n' Mix station package deals.

Hexbeam option available with Package deals 1-4.

MW0JZE produces a fantastic Hexbeam based on G3TXQ's design.

We are pleased to offer these as an option with package deals 1-4

Click for more information and specifications

If you cannot find the package deal you want give us a call or email 0845 83 82 944

We are meantime working with suppliers to ensure the best prices possible for our full station package deals.

All Package deals below come with huge savings and with a choice of wall or ground mounted steel or alumnium mast,  also a choice of HF transceiver and antenna. We are providing a full fitting service included full assembly and fitting of mast and antenna, cables rotator etc. Prices are ex. VAT and delivery

Click the down arrow under payment button to select transceiver and antenna you require.

Other packages avilable on request. Tel: 0845 83 82 944

Contact details

mm0cug masts

11 Auchriny Cir  



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Tel: 0845 83 82 944 

Mobile 07597935492


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